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Avon Lake High School (ALHS) will host its first dance marathon Saturday to benefit Children’s Miracle Network.

No, it’s not like an episode of Happy Days where Fonzie busts out a dance solo after an endless event and impresses everyone, Jeff Arra, the ALHS teacher organizing the event, joked.

“It’s more like a carnival, ” he explained.

Avon Lake High School senior Jillian Rose has been working for over a year to bring this event to Avon Lake.

High schools and colleges nationwide have been holding similar events to raise funds for Children’s Miracle Network hospitals since 1972.

“The Children’s Miracle Network is a lifeline of support to children and families across the country. The Dance Marathon is a fun and effective way to raise awareness and generate funds for the organization. I wanted to get ALHS involved in this nationwide effort, ” said Rose.

Families who have benefited from the services of Children’s Miracle Network/Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital will be attending the event to share their stories of how the organization helped them.

The event will also feature a DJ, a 60-foot inflatable obstacle course, carnival games, dodgeball tournament, twister, tug of war, hamster ball, crafts and free food and refreshments.

Students are encouraged to raise $30 each through donordrive.com or they can pay $10 at the door.

The event will take place from noon to 6 p.m. in the high school’s gymnasiums.

All proceeds will be donated to hospitals in the Children’s Miracle Network.

Local sponsors include: The Press, Ward Orthodontics, Awesome Inflatables, Avon Lake Printing, Randall’s Team Shop, Buffalo Wild Wings, Kopf Builders, Annette Pisco/Realtor, D Productions Events Services, R.J. Rotz Electric, Dr. Glenn Kuemerle, DDS, Peter and Co. Jewelers and Giant Eagle.
Arra said community members interested in donating to the Miracle Network can make out checks to the Avon Lake City Schools and put “dance marathon” in the memo line. Checks can be dropped off to the school’s main office (175 Avon Belden Road) or at the door the day of the event.

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Source: 2presspapers.northcoastnow.com
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