When is Frog season

"Frogs" are defined as eastern spadefoot toad, eastern American toad, Fowler's toad, northern cricket frog, northern gray treefrog, northern spring peeper, western chorus frog, bullfrog, green frog, mink frog, wood frog, northern leopard frog, southern leopard frog, and pickerel frog.

A fishing or hunting license is required to take frogs with a spear, club, hook, or by hand. A hunting license is required to take frogs with a gun or bow.

Open Season: June 15 through September 30

Open Area: All wildlife management units except that: (1) leopard frogs shall not be taken in wildlife management units 1A, 1C, or 2A; and (2) northern cricket frogs and eastern spadefoot toads shall not be taken in any area of the state.

Size Limit: None

Daily Bag: None

Season Bag: None

Hunting Hours: Any time of the day or night, except that no person shall use a gun to take frogs when hunting at night (sunset to sunrise).


The only turtle species for which there is an open hunting season are the snapping turtle and the diamondback terrapin. You may not harvest, take, or possess any other turtle species at any time.

  • A hunting license is required to take snapping turtles. The only legal implement for taking snapping turtles is a firearm or a bow. Snapping turtle carapace measurement

Open Season: July 15 through September 30

Open Area: Statewide

Size Limit: The upper shell (carapace) must measure 12 inches or longer in a straight line.

Daily Bag: 5

Season Bag: 30

Hunting Hours: Any time of the day or night.

  • Diamondback terrapin may only be taken using dip nets, hand capture, seine nets, and traps. The traps must be capable of capturing diamondback terrapin alive, and the trap must be marked with a tag bearing the name and address of the licensee and must be checked daily.
  • Possession of a diamondback terrapin on the waters or shores of New York State during the closed season is prohibited. Diamondback terrapin legally taken during the open season may be sold throughout the year only if they were killed and processed for consumption prior to May 5.

Open Season: August 1 through April 30

Open Area: All of Long Island, New York City, and the lower Hudson River north to the Tappan Zee Bridge.

Size Limit: The upper shell (carapace) must measure at least 4 inches, but may not be greater than 7 inches in length.

Source: www.dec.ny.gov
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